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meet the governors

John Millar - chair of governors - LA appointed

John Millar

I currently assess and coach apprentices. Before retraining as a business teacher in further education,  I worked for almost 40 years in the UK Civil Service in a variety of policy and delivery roles – mainly covering business support and regeneration programmes. I have lived in Horsforth since 1991 and in my spare time enjoy reading and watching sports & films.

Tim Wyatt - vice chair of governors -elected by Parents

Tim Wyatt

I am a qualified Chartered Accountant working for my family’s accountancy practice providing services to front line charities, not for profit organisations, schools, and trustee boards. Prior to this, I was a statutory auditor specialising in auditing school multi-academy trusts in the north of the England. As a family, we carry a passion for school communities and strong relationships between school and parents. I am particularly interested in the work and role schools play with children who have additional education needs..

penny pinn - Co-opted by the governing board

Penny Pinn

I've been pleased to support Featherbank School as a governor since October 2019, with responsibility for monitoring Maths, attendance and wellbeing. During my working life I was involved with young people in different ways, from teaching, working in prisons and running a children's outdoor centre. I'm retired and am involved with many local community groups. I run Horsforth Community Cafe at St Margaret's Parish Centre on Mondays. I have always been passionate about the environment. My 3 grandchildren also keep me busy.

Lara rule - elected by the staff team

Lara Rule

I am proud to be a staff governor at Featherbank Primary. I am currently the Phonics Specialist at Featherbank Primary as well as a Special Education Teacher. I have worked within the community to establish links between schools, children and the local residents through the Horsforth Walk of Art which I established in 2014.

kirstin ellis - elected by the parents

Kirsten Ellis

I am a pleased to join as a new parent Governor. I am a mum of two with my eldest a current pupil. In work I am a project manager focusing on public sector leadership programmes. I am excited about the opportunity to support the Governing Board at what is already a fantastic school for all its pupils.

DOMINQUE LODGE - co-opted by the governing board

Dominique Lodge

I am pleased and excited to join a very pro-active and successful team of both staff and governors. I have lived in Horsforth since 1991 and both my daughters were pupils at Featherbank. This is a chance for me to give back to the school and support it to the best of my ability now that I have more time. I retired as Head of Modern Languages 8 years ago and I believe that my enthusiasm, organisational skills and ability to support others will help me in my new role as governor. I consider myself a team player and I am currently on 2 other committees related to foreign languages. In my new role, I have the responsibility for monitoring English and MFL and looking forward to working closely with the staff.

amy pickin - elected by the parents

Amy Pickin

I am a parent Governor and a mum of two. I have a background in teaching and school leadership and have worked across a variety of both primary and secondary schools. I hope that this experience will be useful and a good support to the Governing Board and the school. I have particular interests and experience in Special Educational Needs and staff and pupil well-being.

PATRICK BUGGY - co-opted by the governing board


I am proud to have been a parent and now a co-opted governor here at Featherbank since 2016. Since I joined the board, it's been a privilege to support the school through many changes - even a pandemic! With both my children growing and learning in the care of the brilliant staff at the school. I have the special responsibility for Safeguarding monitoring for the Board, as well as PHSE and Attendance. Outside school I work in Business Support for the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, and a keen musician.

Statutory Guidance for Governors

School Governors have an important and responsible role in the management of schools. The Governing Body meet regularly to discuss issues and plan strategy for the school. The “behind the scenes” roles are vital for the school to progress and improve.

All governors are encouraged to play an active and participating role. The governors are drawn from all walks of life and represent the local community, parents and political parties.

The structure of the Governing Body is as follows:

Category No. of Seats Appointed Vacancies
Co-opted Representatives: 6 3 3
Headteacher 1 1 0
LA Representatives 1 1 0
Parent Represntatives 3 3 0
Staff Governor Representative 1 1 0

Governor Visiting Policy and Guidelines

Horsforth Featherbank School Governing Board

Chair: John Millar
Vice Chair: Tim Wyatt

The constitution of the governing board is: 

  • Headteacher
  • 1 x Local Authority (LA) governor, recommended by the LA and approved by the governing board
  • 3 parent governors, formally elected through a ballot of parents unless the election is uncontested
  • 6 co-opted governors, nominated and appointed by the governing board
  • 1 staff governor, formally elected by staff employed at school

The governing board operates with the following committees:

Resources committee - responsible for staffing including the appointment and role of the SENCO, equality and diversity, finance, property management, health and safety and nutritional standards. 

Committee chair: Tim Wyatt

Teaching and learning & Pupil support committee  - responsible for teaching and learning matters including target setting, standards and achievement, SEN (including reporting annually on the success of the SEN policy),  monitoring teaching and learning and curriculum provision and ensuring that the governing board is represented at school improvement. Also responsible for behaviour, safeguarding, attendance, children’s spiritual moral social and cultural development, children, parent and staff voice, extra-curricular activities, cluster and other partnerships. 

Committee chair: Amy Pickin

Pay Review committee – responsible for ensuring the implementation of the school Pay Policy and Teacher Appraisal Policy (responsibility delegated to Headteacher through Resources committee)

Pay Appeal committee – responsible for hearing pay appeals and ensuring a fair and proper process has been followed.

Current Governors

Current and recent (in the last 12 months) governors and business/other interests declared are provided in the table below.  

Name of governor   Category of governor & committees served   Date appointed & end of term of office (each term is 4 years) Relevant financial interests Personal  interests (relationships with school staff) Governance interests Date declaration  signed
John Millar LA appointed governor - Chair of the FGB; member of the Resources & Pay sub-committeeS 24/12/2009 - 24/12/2025 N/A N/A N/A 06/10/2020
Lorraine Scudder Head teacher 01/01/2016 - 01/09/2050 N/A N/A N/A 06/10/2020
Lara Rule Staff governor - member of the TLPS sub-committee 15/05/2018 - 23/05/2026 N/A N/A Organiser of Horsforth "Walk of Art" 21/01/2021
Patrick Buggy Co-opted governor - member of the TLPS & Pay appeal sub-committees 27/01/2021 - 26/01/2029 N/A Partner of LSA N/A 06/10/2020
Penny Pinn Co-opted governor - member of the Resources & Pay sub-committee. 15/10/2019 - 14/10/2027 N/A N/A Member of Horsforth in Bloom and Real Junk Food Project 11/10/2020
Kirsten Ellis Parent governor -- member of the Resources & Pay sub-committee. 19/09/23 - 18/09/2027 N/A N/A N/A 01/09/2023
Amy Pickin Parent governor -Chair of the TLPS sub-committee & Pay appeal sub-committee member 11/01/2022 - 10/01/2026 N/A N/A N/A 18/01/2022
Timothy Wyatt Parent governor - Vice chair of  the governing board and chair of the Resources & Pay sub-committee 11/01/2022 - 10/01/2026 N/A N/A N/A 05/01/2022
Dominique Lodge Co-opted governor - member of the TLPS & Pay appeal sub-committees 10/10/2024 - 09/10/2028 N/A N/A N/A  


Previous Governors

Name Role Term of Office
Jordan Young Co-opted Representative  19/04/2017 - 28/11/2018
Darren Rose Co-opted Representative 19/01/2017 - 01/11/2017
Julie Moss Co-opted Representative 19/01/2017 - 28/09/2017
Gill Cook Co-opted Representative 15/09/2016 - 31/07/2017
Cllr Brian Cleasby Co-opted Representative 01/04/2015 - 19/01/2017
Polly Hutton Parent Representative 05/12/2012 - 04/12/2016
John Siddall Co-opted Representative 01/04/2015 - 01/11/2016
Sherrie Morgan Co-opted Representative 01/04/2015 - 31/07/2016
Sharmin Khan Parent Representative 14/10/2015 - 30/06/2016
Phil Stewardson Parent Representative 12 /12/2013 - 11/12/2017
Simone Si Mohamed Co-opted Representative 01/11/2017 - 01/06/2018
Elana Shalkowski Co-opted Representative 01/11/2017 - 01/09/2018
Adrian Stocks Co-opted Representative 26/09/2018 - 29/11/2018
Becky Hayes Co-opted Representative 26/09/2018 - 11/02/2020
Carlie Newton Parent Representative 19/01/2017-18/01/2021
Esther Patterson Co-opted Representative 17/01/2018 - 01/09/2021
Marc Eatough Co-opted Representative 01/11/2017-01/06/2021
Carol Jackson Staff Governor 01/03/2014 - 24/05/2022
Sharon Banks Parent Representative 09/02/2021 - 31/08/2023
Gemma Briggs Co-opted Representative 24/05/2022 - 31/08/2024
Jody Sowden Staff Governor 24/05/2022 - 31/08/2024
Claire Bottomley Parent Representative 27/01/2021 - 26/01/2025
Chantel Horsbrough Co-opted Representative 01/01/2018 - 13/02/2025

Attendance at meetings 2024-25

Y - in attendance
N - not in attendance & no apologies received / accepted
A - apologies received & accepted
X - not in post / not a member

Name of governor TLPS  24/09/24 FGB 10/10/24

Resources 19/11/24





Resources  TLPS  Resources  FGB 
John Millar X Y A X


Lorraine Scudder Y Y Y Y Y        
Chantel Horsbrough Y Y Y X Y        
Lara Rule Y Y X Y Y        
Patrick Buggy Y Y X Y Y        
Penny Pinn Y Y Y X Y        
Tim Wyatt X Y Y X Y        
Amy Pickin Y Y X A Y        
Kirsten Ellis X Y Y X Y        
Dominique Lodge X Y X Y Y        

Attendance at meetings 2023-24

Y - in attendance
N - not in attendance & no apologies received / accepted
A - apologies received & accepted
X - not in post / not a member

Name of governor TLPS 19/09/23 FGB 12/10/23

Resources 21/11/23

TLPS 16/01/24 FGB 22/02/24 Resources 19/03/24 TLPS 30/04/24 Resources 07/05/24 FGB 23/05/24
John Millar X Y Y X Y Y X A Y
Lorraine Scudder Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Gemma Briggs Y Y X Y Y X Y X Y
Chantel Horsbrough Y Y X Y Y X A X Y
Lara Rule Y Y X Y Y X Y X Y
Claire Bottomley Y Y X Y Y X Y X X
Patrick Buggy Y Y X Y A X Y X Y
Penny Pinn Y Y X Y Y X Y X Y
Tim Wyatt X Y Y X Y Y X Y Y
Jody Sowden X Y Y X Y A X A A
Amy Pickin Y Y X Y Y X Y X Y
Kirsten Ellis Y Y Y X Y Y X Y Y

Attendance at meetings 2022-23

Y - in attendance
N - not in attendance & no apologies received / accepted
A - apologies received & accepted
X - not in post / not a member

Name of governor TLPS 29/09/22 FGB 18/10/22

Resources 29/11/22

TLPS 26/01/23 FGB 21/02/22 Resources 14/03/23 TLPS 02/05/23 Resources 09/05/23 FGB 25/05/23
John Millar X Y Y X Y Y X Y Y
Lorraine Scudder Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Gemma Briggs Y Y X Y Y X Y X Y
Chantel Horsbrough Y Y X Y Y X Y X Y
Lara Rule Y Y X Y Y X Y X Y
Claire Bottomley Y Y X Y Y X Y X X
Patrick Buggy Y Y X Y Y X Y X Y
Penny Pinn Y Y X Y Y X Y X Y
Sharon Banks X Y Y X Y Y X Y Y
Tim Wyatt X Y Y X Y Y X Y Y
Jody Sowden X Y Y X Y Y X Y Y
Amy Pickin Y Y X Y Y X Y X Y

Attendance at meetings 2021-22

Y - in attendance
N - not in attendance & no apologies received / accepted
A - apologies received & accepted
X - not in post / not a member

Name of governor TLPS 23/09/21 FGB 05/10/21 Resources 25/11/21 TLPS 27/01/22 FGB 8/2/22 TLPS 5/5/22 Resources 9/5/22 FGB 24/5/22
John Millar X Y Y X Y X Y Y
Lorraine Scudder Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Marc Eatough X Y Y X Y X Y X
Chantel Horsbrough Y Y X Y Y Y X Y
Carol Jackson X Y Y X Y X Y X
Lara Rule Y Y X Y Y Y X Y
Claire Bottomley Y Y X Y Y Y X Y
Patrick Buggy X Y X Y Y Y X Y
Penny Pinn A Y X Y Y Y X Y
Sharon Banks X Y Y X Y X Y Y

Attendance at meetings 2020 - 21

Y - in attendance
N - not in attendance & no apologies received / accepted
A - apologies received & accepted
X - not in post / not a member

Name of governor FGB 06/10/20 Resources 19/11/20 FGB 15/12/20 TLPS 21/01/21 FGB 09/02/21 Resources 04/03/21 TLPS 29/04/21 FGB 25/05/21
John Millar Y Y Y x Y A x Y
Lorraine Scudder Y Y Y Y A Y Y Y
Marc Eatough Y Y Y X Y Y X Y
Chantel Horsbrough Y X A Y Y X Y A
Carol Jackson Y Y Y X Y A X Y
Esther Patterson Y Y A Y Y Y Y A
Lara Rule Y X Y Y Y X Y Y
Claire Bottomley Y X Y Y Y X Y Y
Patrick Buggy Y X N Y Y X Y Y
Carlie Newton Y Y Y X X X X X
Penny Pinn Y X Y Y Y X Y Y
Sharon Banks X X X X Y X X Y

Attendance at meetings 2019-2020

Y - in attendance
N - not in attendance & no apologies received / accepted
A - apologies received & accepted
X - not in post / not a member

Name of governor FGB 15/10/19 Resources 12/12/2019 TLPS 26/09/19 FGB 11/02/20 Resources 03/03/20 TLPS 23/01/19 FGB 16/06/2020
John Millar Y A X Y Y X Y
Lorraine Scudder Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Marc Eatough Y Y X Y Y X A
Chantel Horsbrough Y X Y Y X Y A
Carol Jackson Y Y X Y Y X Y
Esther Patterson Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Lara Rule Y X Y Y X Y Y
Claire Bottomley Y X Y Y X Y A
Patrick Buggy Y X Y Y X Y Y
Becky Hayes Y X Y X X X X
Carlie Newton Y Y X Y Y X Y
Penny Pinn Y X A Y X Y Y

Attendance at meetings 2018-2019

Y - in attendance
N - not in attendance & no apologies received / accepted
A - apologies received & accepted
X - not in post / not a member

Name of
















John Millar Y A X A A A Y
Lorraine Scudder Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Marc Eatough Y Y X A Y X Y
Chantel Horsbrough Y X Y Y (Chair) X A Y
Carol Jackson Y Y X Y Y X Y
Esther Patterson Y X Y Y Y Y Y
Lara Rule Y X Y Y X Y Y
Claire Bottomley Y X Y Y X Y Y
Patrick Buggy Y X Y Y X A Y
Becky Hayes Y X Y Y X Y Y
Carlie Newton Y Y X Y Y X A
Adrian Stocks X X X X X X X

Governor effectiveness statement

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