
The Computing curriculum at Featherbank is taught through Kapow Computing.
The three strands of the Computing Curriculum at Featherbank
- Computer Science (CS) - How computers and computer systems work and how they are designed and programmed.
- Information Technology (IT) - The purposeful use of existing programs to develop products and solutions.
- Digital Literacy (DL) - The skills knowledge and understanding needed in order to participate fully and safely in an increasingly digital world.
Our Intent is to:
• To provide a broad and balanced coverage of the National curriculum requirements.
• To provide our children with opportunities to learn and apply transferable skills.
• To create opportunities for cross-curricular learning.
• To incorporate a range of teaching strategies so that lessons are engaging and appeal to those with a variety of learning styles.
• To ensure every lesson can be accessed and stretched by all pupils so that individual needs and abilities are met.
• To ensure teachers are armed with strong subject knowledge.
How we implement our Computing curriculum:
At Horsforth Featherbank Primary, we acknowledge the need to continually maintain, update and develop our resources and to make progress towards consistent, compatible computer systems by investing in resources that will effectively deliver the objectives of the National Curriculum and support the use of IT, computer science and digital literacy across the school. Computing network infrastructure and equipment has been sited so that:
• Every classroom from Reception to Y6 has a laptop connected to the school network and an interactive whiteboard with sound, DVD and video facilities.
• There is a computing suite of 30 desktops.
• Internet access is available in all classrooms.
• Each class from Y1 to Y6 has an allocated slot once per week for teaching computing as a discrete subject.
• The computing suite is available to be booked for use throughout the school day as part of computing lessons and for cross-curricular use.
• Pupils may use IT and computing independently, in pairs, alongside a TA or in a group with a teacher.
• The school has a computing technician who is in school once every two weeks on a Wednesday.
• There are 30 iPads available to be booked for use throughout the school day as part of computing lessons and for cross-curricular use.
• Each class teacher has an iPad.
Teaching Computing through Kapow
All discrete Computing lessons are taught by our class teachers through the Kapow Primary scheme. Kapow Primary Computing is designed with three strands which run throughout:
- Computer science.
- Information technology.
- Digital literacy.
Our Computing Long Term Plan outlines how each taught unit covers the requirements of the National Curriculum attainment targets as well as each of these three strands.
Kapow Primary's Progression of skills shows the skills that are taught within each year group, and how these skills develop year on year to ensure attainment targets are securely met by the end of each key stage.
The Kapow Primary scheme is organised into five key areas, creating a cyclical route through which pupils can develop their computing knowledge and skills by revisiting and building on previous learning:
- Computer systems and networks
- Programming
- Creating media
- Data handling
- Online safety
The implementation of Kapow Primary Computing ensures a broad and balanced coverage of the National curriculum requirements, with opportunities for pupils to learn and apply transferable skills. Pupils will be applying their learning in other subjects such as Science, Art and Music to embed and celebrate cross-curricular, meaningful learning.
Lessons incorporate a range of teaching strategies from independent tasks, paired and group work as well as unplugged and digital activities. This variety means that lessons are engaging and appeal to those with a variety of learning styles. Differentiated guidance is available for every lesson to ensure that lessons can be accessed by all pupils and opportunities to stretch pupils' learning are available when required. Knowledge organisers for each unit support pupils in building a foundation of factual knowledge by encouraging recall of key facts and vocabulary.
Strong subject knowledge is vital for staff to be able to deliver a highly effective and robust computing curriculum. Each of the Kapow Primary Computing units include teacher videos to develop subject knowledge and support ongoing CPD.
The impact:
After the implementation of Kapow Primary Computing at Horsforth Featherbank, our children should leave school equipped with a range of skills to enable them to succeed in their secondary education and be active participants in the ever-increasing digital world. Our children will:
- Be critical thinkers and able to understand how to make informed and appropriate digital choices in the future.
- Understand the importance that computing will have going forward in both their educational and working life and in their social and personal futures.
- Understand how to balance time spent on technology and time spent away from it in a healthy and appropriate manner.
- Understand that technology helps to showcase their ideas and creativity. They will know that different types of software and hardware can help them achieve a broad variety of artistic and practical aims.
- Show a clear progression of technical skills across all areas of the National Curriculum - computer science, information technology and digital literacy.
- Be able to use tehcnology both individually and as part of a collaborative team.
- Be aware of online dafety issues and protocols and be able to deal with any problems in a responsible and appropriate manner.
- Have an awareness of the developments in technology and have an idea of how current technologies work and relate to one another.
- Meet the end of key stage expectations outlines in the National Curriculum for computing.
We take e-safety really seriously here at Featherbank and are proud to have partnered with the Safer Schools app to provide teachers, parents and pupils with information that will help to educate, empower and protect our whole school community.
The Safer Schools app is the perfect digital safeguarding communication and training toolkit. Information on the app is constantly updated and always kept up to date with the latest digital crazes and the issues we may come across while using them.
We encourage all our staff and parents to download the app to find out how to keep our children here at Featherbank safe while allowing them the freedom to explore and learn on their own digital playground.
Scan the QR codes below to download the app straight to your device or alternatively, search for 'Safer schools' in the App Store or Google Play and follow the instructions below to gain access.
Logging in to the Safer Schools App
1. Select your school from the dropdown menu and click ‘continue’.
2. Enter the four digit entry code provided or scan the QR code below.
Parent/Carer - Primary 7440