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welcome to year 4

Mr Reynolds

Student Teacher

Miss Moreton

Teaching Assistant:
Miss Sheen

Wecome to Year 4! We hope you enjoy seeing all the fantastic things we are learning about.

You will find the Year 4 Curriculum Map below. The curriculum Map sets out the topics for the year and what we will be learning in all of our subjects.

Timetable Information

PE Days 

Monday and Tuesdays


Homework is set on a Thursday and is to be completed by the following Thursday. While this is not compulsary, it will help to support your child's learning from in the classroom.

Please see our class timetable below to find out what we will be learning about on each day of the week.

Y4 Timetable Autumn 2

Curriculum Overview

Monthly Highlight

We have started off our Spring Term by learning about the Romans and their invasion of Britain. We are currently focusing on Boudica and her revolt against Emperor Nero and the Roman army. We created a timeline of events and then turned those events into a human graph depicting the high points and low points of her reign over the Iceni.


Spring Term

Autumn Term

Useful Links

dbMathleticsTTRSRead Theory
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