Parental Engagement
At Featherbank Primary, we place a high value on establishing and nurturing close links between home, community and school. By working effectively together, we can achieve the best for every child. 'Growing together and learning together'
parents association
We have a highly effective Parents' Association who hold fantastic events and fundraisers all through the school year - keep an eye out on the school calendar and School Ping for information about upcoming events.
Contact the school office to find out how to get involved.
parents evenings
We hold two parents' evenings a year where parents are invited to discuss all elements of their child's education with the class teacher.
In addition to this we hold open evenings and events for prospective parents and existing parents to come visit us in school and see the wonderful way we learn.
school Ping
We aim to communicate with parents and carers clearly and in a timely manner. We use the School Ping app to send updates, messages, reminders, newsletters and parents' evening booking forms. Click the links to download:
School Ping - Google Play
School Ping - App Store
Drama performances
Our specialist drama teacher, Mrs Grasby, works with our children to produce wonderful performance pieces linked to their topics. Parents and carers are invited in to school to enjoy the class Drama performances. Mrs Grasby has her own Drama School that many of our pupils attend. Find out more here:
A number of our parents volunteer with us on either a regular basis, or as needed for special events such as school trips. We are lucky enough to have talented parents who come to speak to children about their work or deliver workshops linked to our topics.
If you are interested in volunteering in school please contact Miss Scudder via the school office.
As parents and carers of pupils with SEND we know you are the expert on your child. We strive for effective communication in order for us to gain the very best understanding of your child's needs. As part of our SEND offer, parents are invited to meet termly with the SENCO. You can find out more about our offer for SEND here and can contact Miss Briggs (SENCO) on 0113 2589 412 or at
Parent survey
We regularly survey our parents and carers to find out what they think about school. You can read the outcomes of our latest survey here.

feedback and views
We are always keen to receive feedback and hear the views of our parents and carers. Please get in touch if there is something you think we could do better or if you just want to tell us we did a great job! It all helps!
You can find a newsletter about our School Improvement Priorities here - please let us know how you can support Featherbank to be even more amazing!
parent steering group
Every year group has a parent representative who liaises with other parents to bring topics and areas for celebration and development to discuss with senior leaders and a governor.

other information