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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

Meet the Year 3 team.

Miss MacDonald (Teacher)

Mrs Grasby (Learning Support Assistant)
You will find the Year 3 Curriculum Map below which sets out the topics that we will be looking at this year.

We hope you enjoy looking at all of the photographs of our learning!

monthly highlight

Year 3 have created their very own magnetic board games. Using paper clips and magnets they have been zooming around race tracks and fishing for treasure in ponds!

This term Year 3 are exploring multiplication and division. They have had a fantastic time at the forest making arrays from natural materials. 

Year 3 have been busy perfecting their place value skills. In pairs, they have been challenging each other to make 3 digit numbers using place value counters.


Spring - Magnetism 

Our science topic this term is forces with a focus on magnetism. We undertook the scrapheap challenge testing materials around our classroom to investigate if they were magnetic. We later explored the poles and created our very own compasses! 

Autumn - All Wrapped Up!

Our topic this autumn is Ancient Egypt. We will be exploring the importance of the River Nile, the mummification process and the discovery of King Tutankhamun's tomb. 

curriculum overview

timetable information

useful links

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