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Street Dance Flyer

Street Dance

Artful Kids Club

Artful Kids

Sporting Juniors football Club

Sporting Juniors

coding club


spaghetti maths club

Spaghetti Maths Flyer

Football team & Training

Our school football training takes place on a Friday afternoon at Horsforth School with a UEFA A-licensed coach. Year 3 & 4 train between 4pm & 5 pm. Year 5 & 6 train between 5pm & 6pm. There is no charge for this club.

Football with face cover

Cookery Club

Cookery club takes place in school on a Thursday from 3.30pm - 4.15pm. This club is open to all year groups but spaces are limited to 10 children. Groups will rotate to accommodate all the children who want to come to this club.

cookery club

Homework Club

Come along to our homework /study club on a Thursday after school and get all your homework completed in time for the weekend. Miss Scudder will be on hand to support you if you get stuck and encourage you when needed. There is no charge for this club.


Choir Club

Choir club takes place in school on a Wednesday and is open to all children in KS2. There is £1 charge for this club and spaces are limited to 20 children.


Yoga club

Yoga club takes place in school on a Thursday and is open to all children in KS2. There is £1 charge for this club and spaces are limited to 20 children.

yoga club
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