Special Educational Needs, Disabilities and Equality
At Horsforth Featherbank Primary School we develop a deep understanding of our pupils in order to give them the chance to achieve their full intellectual, physical and emotional potential, regardless of ability, race, culture, gender or social background, laying the foundations for future learning and success in life. We want all our pupils to be happy, successful and confident and recognise that some children may need more tailored support to achieve this.
We use a strength-based approach to providing additional support for pupils. By first identifying what pupils can do well, we are able to use this knowledge to build provision for any areas requiring more support. We use an assess, plan, do, review cycle to ensure we understand a child's needs, plan appropriate provision, execute it well and then evalute its impact. In this way our pupils, and our knowledge of them, are constantly growing - ensuring all children make progress from their different starting points.
Our SENCO is Mrs Rule and you can contact her either via the school office on (0113) 2589 412 or email on sendco@featherbank.leeds.sch.uk

SEND local offer
Watch the video and then visit the website to find out more about the Leeds Local Offer.

SENDIASS -Special educational needs and disabilities information advice support service
Parent support