Early Years at Featherbank
Early Years lays the foundation for successful lifelong learning! We love to learn as we play, grow as we learn, and make the most of every day.
We are a nurturing, committed team who aim to give the children the very best start to their school life. We know that children (and parents/carers) need to feel safe, settled and happy in their new environment, and we offer several stay and play sessions in the summer term as well as our visits to the pre-school settings. Children in our Reception class are provided with a stimulating environment which encourages learning through play – a fundamental part of early learning. We use the Early Years Foundation Stage, Development Matters and our own knowledge of the children to plan learning opportunities across all areas of learning. This allows all children to follow their own interests and to lead their own learning.
We use Seesaw, an online journal where parents/carers can see how well their child is settling in and accessing learning. Parents/carers can also upload photographs and observations from home so that we can follow their interests at school. We strongly believe in the importance of home/school links and invite parents into weekly reading mornings/workshop and assemblies to share our learning. We encourage parents/cares to engage in their learning as well as helping their children to self-register and choose their school dinner choice.
We use a multi sensory approach to number, which is practical, challenging, and linked closely to everyday experiences, alongside the White Rose Maths scheme of learning. Phonics is taught through Featherbank Phonics, using original songs, actions and formation patters. We love to read in Reception, and enjoy a daily reading for pleasure session where each child can hear an adult read a story aloud (although we read to our children more than once in a day!).
Our curriculum is very varied and special to the children in our cohort - we tailor learning and experiences to the children's interests to fully engage our little ones. We benefit highly from Featherbank Forest, where we can explore learning and nature outdoors.
At Featherbank, we use "Development Matters", a non-statutory guidance, which supports all those working in early childhood education settings to implement the requirements of the Statutory Framework for the EYFS.
Development Matters demonstrates how the four themes of the EYFS Framework and the principles that inform them work together to support the development of babies, toddlers and young children within the context of the EYFS framework. The document also illustrates how the ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’ may be supported and extended by adults as well as how they underpin the ‘Prime’ and ‘Specific’ areas of learning and development.
All those working to support the early learning of young children at Featherbank use Development Matters as part of daily observation, assessment and planning. It is also used at points during the EYFS as a guide to making best-fit summative judgements, with parents and colleagues across agencies, in relation to whether a child is showing typical development, may be at risk of delay or is ahead for their age.
The age/stage bands overlap because these are not fixed age boundaries but suggest a typical range of development. When using Development Matters it is however important to remember that babies, toddlers and young children develop at their own rates and in their own ways. The development statements and their order are not necessary steps for every child and should not be used as checklists.
Please see the documents below for further guidance and information about our curriculum and the new EYFS Framework 2021.
Early Years lays the foundation for successful lifelong learning! We love to learn as we play, grow as we learn, and make the most of every day.
We are a nurturing, committed team who aim to give the children the very best start to their school life. We know that children (and parents/carers) need to feel safe, settled and happy in their new environment, and we offer several stay and play sessions in the summer term as well as our visits to the pre-school settings. Children in our Reception class are provided with a stimulating environment which encourages learning through play – a fundamental part of early learning. We use the Early Years Foundation Stage, Development Matters and our own knowledge of the children to plan learning opportunities across all areas of learning. This allows all children to follow their own interests and to lead their own learning.
We use Seesaw, an online journal where parents/carers can see how well their child is settling in and accessing learning. Parents/carers can also upload photographs and observations from home so that we can follow their interests at school. We strongly believe in the importance of home/school links and invite parents into weekly reading mornings/workshop and assemblies to share our learning. We encourage parents/cares to engage in their learning as well as helping their children to self-register and choose their school dinner choice.
We use a multi sensory approach to number, which is practical, challenging, and linked closely to everyday experiences, alongside the White Rose Maths scheme of learning. Phonics is taught through Featherbank Phonics, using original songs, actions and formation patters. We love to read in Reception, and enjoy a daily reading for pleasure session where each child can hear an adult read a story aloud (although we read to our children more than once in a day!).
Our curriculum is very varied and special to the children in our cohort - we tailor learning and experiences to the children's interests to fully engage our little ones. We benefit highly from Featherbank Forest, where we can explore learning and nature outdoors.
At Featherbank, we use "Development Matters", a non-statutory guidance, which supports all those working in early childhood education settings to implement the requirements of the Statutory Framework for the EYFS.
Development Matters demonstrates how the four themes of the EYFS Framework and the principles that inform them work together to support the development of babies, toddlers and young children within the context of the EYFS framework. The document also illustrates how the ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’ may be supported and extended by adults as well as how they underpin the ‘Prime’ and ‘Specific’ areas of learning and development.
All those working to support the early learning of young children at Featherbank use Development Matters as part of daily observation, assessment and planning. It is also used at points during the EYFS as a guide to making best-fit summative judgements, with parents and colleagues across agencies, in relation to whether a child is showing typical development, may be at risk of delay or is ahead for their age.
The age/stage bands overlap because these are not fixed age boundaries but suggest a typical range of development. When using Development Matters it is however important to remember that babies, toddlers and young children develop at their own rates and in their own ways. The development statements and their order are not necessary steps for every child and should not be used as checklists.
Please see the documents below for further guidance and information about our curriculum and the new EYFS Framework 2021.